World Loppet Gatineau Loppet Canada 18-19.2.2023 Sk / CL
In the night 18th of February quite cold up to -19 C warming during day to -3C.
Sunday trhe 19th in the morning c -3...-6C staying during the race
Harrastelijan voitelu
Alusvoitelu: Start SG Green -10...-25C
Kelivoitelu: Start RG Race Blue glider -2...-8C
Iron the Green glider onto the glide zones. Let cool down, scrape and brush well.
Melt Satrt RG Blue glider onto the gide zones. Let cool and scrape well. Use metal brush to get extra wax off.
Then brush with nylon and polish with polishing fiber.
Kilpahiihtäjän voitelu
Alusvoitelu: Start RG Race Green glider -10...-25C
Kelivoitelu: Start RG Ultra Blue Glider -2...-8 or if fluor allowed HFxt Blue glider -2...-8C
Pintavoitelu: Start RG Ultra Gel -3...-12C finisher or if fluor allowed Start XT5 powder
Iron Start RG Race Green glider onto the base to glide zones, let cool and srape and brush well.
Iron Start RG Ultra blue gllider or HFxt Blue glider onto the glide zones and lett cool well. Then Scrape, brush with metal brush, polish with nylon
brush and use polishing fiber for final polishing.
RG Ultra Gel: Apply Start RG Ultra blue finisher gel onto the glide zones ( shake well before applying).
Use Roto Cork to fasten Gel finisher onto the base. Gel must be corked so well that surface is dry and carrying compound is corked off!
Scrape well, brush with hard nylon and finish with finishing nylon brush! Polish with polishing fiber.
XT5 powder: Apply XT5 powder onto the glide zones. Use iron to fasten the powder onto the base, temperature 160...170 C.
Use Roto Cork to fasten ironed powder to the base. After rroto corking let cool, scrape and brush well with hard nylon. Finbih with finishing
nylon brush and polish with polishing fiber
Harrastelijan voitelu
Alusvoitelu: Start Grip Tape original
Kelivoitelu: Start Grip tape Cover wax or Start Tar Green (-7....-12C)
Use good Wax Remover to get all grease, dirt and wax remains off from the kick zone.
Apply Start Grip tape to kick zone ( about 3 cm shorten from bothe ends of grip zone)
Push Grip tape well to fasten well on to the base.
Apply light film of Grip tape cover wax or Start Tar Green on to the Grip tape. make layer even
with synthetic cork by light hand.
Kilpahiihtäjän voitelu
Alusvoitelu: Start Base wax Extra
Kelivoitelu: Start Oslo Racing Extra -2...-8C
Pintavoitelu: Start FHF 60 -4...-10C or Tar Green -7...-12C
Apply Start base Wax extra thin layer onto the base. Use iron to fasten base wax properly
Apply good layer of Start Racing Extra onmto the kick zone. Use synthetic cork to even the layer.
Apply another layer if needed. take skis to outside to cool down. Apply thin layer of FHF60 kick wax or
tar Green onto the kick zone from cooled can to cooled ski. make slightly even by light hand.